1. Introduction
In NS 8417 Chapter II we find the rules on the parties and their assistants. These are distributed slightly differently in NS 8415 which has a somewhat different chapter division, while NS 8416 has no chapter division whatsoever.
As previously pointed out, NS 8417 is most often used in projects as of today, which is why we take this standard as a starting point.
2. Overview of the rules
Below we have prepared a matrix showing which provisions are included in NS 8417 Chapter II, and where the corresponding provisions are found in NS 8415 and NS 8416.

3. Brief presentation
We have written our own articles on “Representatives of the Parties” and if “Contract Assistants”.
It is these two topics that we have learned from experience that create the most uncertainty.
This does not mean that transport cannot create difficulties, but from experience the parties are quite used to the fact that transport takes place and one knows how to deal with it.
It is clear from NS 8417 paragraph 11 and NS 8415 paragraph 4 that neither party can assign its contractual obligations unless this is specifically agreed between the parties.
The transfer of shares, fission or merger is not to be regarded as a transfer of contractual obligations and is therefore not covered by the prohibition.